Google Ads has long been a staple in digital marketing, helping businesses reach their target audience effectively. However, much like an old car, the Google Ads platform only operates smoothly if you know how it works. Experienced long term users, like seasoned drivers with vintage cars, know how to troubleshoot problems, fix issues and optimize their campaigns with a deep understanding of the platform’s intricacies.

Old Car w Google Ads logo

In reality, getting the platform to work is about more than driving the car. Despite recent updates, many features remain outdated, and the road to successful ad campaigns has become increasingly bumpy.

It’s not brand new anymore

One major issue with Google Ads is its outdated features. Over the years, certain functionalities have not evolved with changes in digital marketing, leading to inefficiencies and performance problems. For example, some targeting options and reporting tools are clunky and less intuitive than those on newer platforms. It’s like driving a used car with manual windows, a tape deck, and an analog speedometer — functional but inadequate for modern users.

While Google has updated their Ads platform several times, many of these changes are purely cosmetic, like giving an old car a new paint job. Instead of fixing their performance issues, Google just wants to put some tape on it and patch it up. Users might like the new look, but without real improvements, the experience remains the same.

So, is the solution as simple as buying a new car? Not quite. Google Ads has too much technology and not enough efficiency, but users can still get from point A to point B with an experienced account manager as the driver at the wheel.

Do you need a chauffeur?

Limo driver helps couple into limo

With rising competition, changing algorithms, and evolving user behavior, the road for Google Ads users has become filled with potholes and traffic problems. Just as driving an old car on a deteriorating road requires skill and patience, experienced drivers — expert account managers — are needed to steer Google Ads campaigns now more than ever.

Tired of riding in the back? Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts. On the other hand, you can take control of your digital marketing campaigns by riding your bike (organic). When you integrate strong organic search and PPC strategies, you’ll discover why Performance Max isn’t a black box.

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