You’re running your own Google Ads Pay-Per-Click campaign. And, frankly, doing okay. You’re actually bringing in enough business to cover your costs. You think. But what about . . .



Can you track exactly what your results are — in quantifiable terms?


Are you reducing ads that aren’t working, and increasing those that are?


Do you make your money work harder for you, every single month?

Because let’s face it:

It’s not what you pay Google that’s hurting you.
It’s the business you’re losing by not having an optimized Google Ads program.

Google Ads logo, verticalThat’s where we come in. We’re Google Ads experts with a passion for increasing your profitability. We don’t just see the details, we see the big picture as well. Which is why our clients trust us to get the most bang for their bucks. Every month. Month after month.

Our company goes beyond best practices

“Best Practices” are the techniques Google recommends that you use to properly run a Google Ads program. Those rules make sense, which is why we follow them. But we do more. Much more.

Microscope with word SEO on slidePlan
It starts with research: finding the most effective search terms. This is as much an art as a science. Because it’s not just knowing what terms people are searching on, it’s knowing how people use language. With a 25-year background in Web and print publishing, we understand how to analyze search terms.

Landing page screen shotBuild
Next is creating the campaign, ad, and ad group structures. These tie in to the custom Landing Pages we’ll design and build for you. They’ll fit your existing site, but be conversion funnels: optimized to encourage people to connect with you.

Screen with Analytics dataManage
If you don’t already have them, we’ll set up Call Tracking, Analytics, Web Tools, and more, so we can track every aspect of your program. Then, month-by-month, day-by-day, and even hour-by-hour, we’ll study your campaign’s performance, and work to make them better and better. Which means that your results — sales — will improve over time.

What Clients Say

California Living Trusts' Tim Foley explains how smoothly the website redesign process went from start to finish.


Can you handle all that business?

It’s a legitimate question. But if you want to spend less time finding new customers, and more time figuring out how you’re going to get all that work done, then call us. We’re ready to become the best damn sales team you ever had. And them some.

Request a quote

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