Let’s say a customer discovers your website. You think they followed one of your Google Ads or found you through an organic search query. They look around, maybe even spend a lot of time on your site, but they don’t buy anything and eventually leave. You just lost a potential customer. But you gained a valuable target for conversion.

The average conversion rate is terrible, however. People may make dozens of visits before converting to customers. In fact, the search network AdRoll found that only 2% of shoppers convert on the first visit to an online store. And at .89%, the conversion rate for display ads is even worse.[1] When the other 98% of potential customers bounce, your digital marketing clearly isn’t working.

That’s where remarketing comes in. Remarketing is a form of PPC (Pay-Per-Click advertising) that targets users who have visited your website with personalized ads to increase brand awareness and remind them to purchase your products or services. Studies have shown that when compared to other strategies, it generated the highest boost in business name searches by over 1000%.[2] Remarketing is that extra nudge towards conversion that turns first time visitors into repeat visitors.

Introduce, then nurture

Most people waste time and money because they’re remarketing all wrong. They waste time on testing ad copy or creating tons of banners to see which one works best. They waste their budget on one campaign that they use for multiple audiences or combine too many audiences into one ad group. In reality, your remarketing strategy is failing because you’re only targeting single visitors on your root domain. In other words, your campaigns are too broad. But by making just a few changes, you can achieve a better CTR and bring users back to your site.

Targeting specific URL visits is a great first step. You want to zero in on users who landed on specific pages, like the group that landed on your product features page. To do this, you can use budget-friendly optimization tools like Facebook or Google Ads. There are different benefits to each, but both are great at boosting conversion rates and generate more sales. Using Facebook’s Business Manager, you can link your product features, price pages, and URLs to users who have visited specific web pages and remarket ads when a visitor lands on those pages. You can also switch up different pages and create multiple audiences.

Another useful way to boost your remarketing programs is to target by visit frequency in Facebook. This strategy allows you to pursue users who visited your site multiple times without converting. Using the “Custom Audience” and “Website Traffic” features, you can control how many times someone has studied your product or service. Then you can offer these users something special, such a discount, to keep them engaged.

Finally, targeting by time on site is invaluable when converting users. You want to drive people to your website, but you also want them to stay longer. In order to determine session duration metrics, you can use Google Analytics. Under Goal Conversions, the highlighted number at the top is the average time people spend on your entire website. You can use that number as a starting point for remarketing to people who were on your site for that duration without converting.

Are you doing it right?

Remarketing is a powerful tool that can increase brand awareness, drive traffic back to your website and convert customers. But creating a successful campaign is a process with many moving parts. Ask yourself – are you doing your remarketing correctly?

Caroff Communications is one of the premier PPC management companies in San Diego. From persuasive ad copy that gets results, to ad images that stand out, to making your marketing funnel work for you, we can dig deep into the data and advise you on how to set up your remarketing campaigns. When you hire Caroff Communications, you are hiring more than an SEO company. Call us today for your free quote.

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